I created these web banners and posts for various social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon A+. and Instagram for Hachette Books Publishing Co. First I designed custom templates for each banner that adhere to each websites' resolution requirements and also consider the placement of overlapping elements such as a profile picture. I'm given the cover design of the book and base my social media post's design on the cover design and tone of each publication. I'm adaptable to many styles and complete these designs with quick turnaround times.
I designed and animated this array of animated GIF web banners to fit the various channels that Standing My Ground would be advertised on. I utilized the neutral tone and soft gradient of the sky to balance the heavy nature of the novel.
Age of Danger by Andrew Hoehn & Thom Shanker
For Age of Danger I recreated the grid behind the type design to better structure my banner layouts and I adhered to the strong grid that the type was already set in. I chose to use the same strong bold sans serif typeface that was used on the book cover for the sale date and for the title and subtitle.
Soul Boom by Rainn Wilson
On designs for Rainn Wilson's Soul Boom I mimicked the minimal aesthetic of the cover. I utilized the paint-stroke style type and the baby blue color to create a graphic element that highlighted authors of quotes about his book.
This holiday print ad is promoting four popular vegan and vegetarian publications from Hachette Books in Vegnews magazine. I used colors and imagery that evokes feelings of the holiday season.
This print ad for Ed Begley Jr's memoir uses bright yellow type to match the cover of his book and earth-tones and nature photography for the background to match his environmentalist personal life.